As the PDF proofs are being finalized before the 2015 Global
Nutrition Report goes off to the printers next week, I wanted to jot down some
personal reflections on the process before I forget them. In doing so, I will hopefully whet your appetite
for what is in the report itself (September 22 release).
I should add, these views are wholly mine--I'm not speaking for anyone else.
My reflections fall under 5 points
1. The report is really ambitious
Consider, we have:
(a) reached out to potential new stakeholders in climate, food systems and businesses. This required understanding their views and trying to not only suggest when it was in nutrition's interests to engage them, but also why it is in their interests
(b) tried hard to get a better balance between undernutrition and overweight/obesity/nutrition related NCDs. We have monitored more indicators (including exclusive breastfeeding and adult obesity), looked for convergence and tradeoff points between the two worlds, developed more unifying concepts and reached out to more stakeholders in the latter community. It has not been easy. The worlds are quite separate and sometimes highlighting one set of issues can diminish the perceived importance of the other
(c) developed more nuanced assessments of progress (not just on and off course) and expanded the set of assessments to all N4G business commitments and all donor financial commitments
(d) worked with SUN country governments to bring new data to the table on domestic budget allocations to nutrition
(e) walked a tightrope between publishing the new State level India data and having them officially released (luckily they were, although the Economist had already leaked them)
(f) reached out beyond the usual (important) suspects to get endorsements from those in climate, finance, sports and popular culture
As a result the report is about a third longer than the first.
During one of our stakeholder group meetings in February in Addis, one of the stakeholders said "the report is ambitious--too ambitious perhaps?". I understood the sentiment--more can be less--but my own view was, in 2015, when the world is reshaping development, nutrition has to be in the mix, it has to be relevant and it has to be ambitious for itself.
2. The production of report has been more closely followed this year
Version 0 was produced on April 15, version1 on May 13, version 2 on June 15 and the final version on July 26. At each stage we had over 100 pages of comments and then many hundreds more in track changes.
We also had about 30 pages of comments from 4 anonymous Lancet reviewers.
Some of our key stakeholders gave us many more comments this year than last.
In addition, many more partners have given us advice on communications and messaging than last year.
One could interpret this negatively I suppose--we are less trusted than before--but I think it reflects a sense that the report matters and therefore we need to get it right. And the report quality improved tremendously between version 0 and 3.
3. It is hard to begin writing a second report 4 months after the first has been published
As we were launching the first report we had to begin thinking about the second. Content was guided by an open consultation process in Dec/Jan, but finding the sheer willpower to being thinking about the next report when you are still digesting the first was a real challenge.
One of our stakeholders said, is it worth doing a new report in 2015? We felt it was--new data, new issues, new opportunities. All presented themselves.
4. The balance between technical soundness and usefulness for advocacy is as fine as ever
This was one of the hardest things to balance. Getting the technical language right in a way that people outside the nutrition bubble can understand. We did not always succeed. We erred on the technical side, figuring that a number of sharable content products could be generated (a 12 pager, infographics, tweets, blogs, op-eds etc). But getting the big picture and the fine grain to line up was really hard.
5. It has been great to broaden the GNR team out
One of the things the Dalberg evaluation of GNR 2014 (soon to be posted on the GNR website) pointed out was that it was too dependent on me. This is a very fair comment, and we expanded the co-chair team by adding Corinna Hawkes and Emorn Wasantwisut. They have been brilliant--sharing the workloads, making joint decisions, liaising with the IEG and generally bringing different perspectives to bear. (And keeping my excesses in check, just about.)
We also developed a more coherent communications strategy this time around (now that we know what the report looks like!), involving our partners much more.
Finally, I want to share a question that one of our partners asked me and what I said to them: is the GNR a mirror or a beacon? I said "both": it tells us where we are on outcomes and actions (mirror) and it offers pointers on how to get to our goal (beacon)--ending malnutrition in all its forms.
Being involved in the report remains a privilege. A blast. A thrill. We hope you enjoy it when it comes out on September 22.
1 comment:
Wonderful. Well done, Lawrence and team. Can't wait to read. What a commendably rigorous and in-depth process you have undertaken. The report will doubtless be of great service to many around the world.
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