I was at the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) technical meeting in Oxford this week.
The meeting
was organized to fill a perceived gap – not enough technical meetings on
nutrition to address problems we talk about a lot but never make time to
grapple with.
The 100 or so participants were mostly from
implementing agencies (not so many researchers).
The issues addressed were quite practical:
* what does nutrition-sensitive WASH
actually look like (still not terribly clear to me despite some great
* What forms does multistakeholder
coordination take (e.g. co-location of programmes, embedding of nutrition
programmes in broader programmes, hybrid or integrated approaches) and when is
which form the most appropriate?
* What are some of the new innovations in
cash transfer programming (vouchers, cash, direct bank account transfers, cash
transfers in emergency situations)?
* What are some of the new global
developments to be aware of (e.g. the ICN2, Sustainable Development Goals, the
Global Nutrition Report, WHO/UNICEF’s new Global Monitoring Framework etc.)?
* What are some of the disconnects that
stop the nutrition community working as effectively as possible (e.g.
bureaucratic imperatives that lead to competition for funding, wanting to brand
individual work, very different languages, seemingly arbitrary divisions of
responsibility – WFP leads on moderate acute malnutrition and UNICEF leads on
severe acute malnutrition--duplication of effort: e.g. 10 different infant and
young child feeding programmes going on in one district)?
* Was the initial humanitarian response in
Syria too African-centric (i.e. too focused on acute malnutrition? Yes.)
I really enjoyed the meeting, which was very well organised. It was great to interact with lots of
very thoughtful people I usually do not get to talk to with, although it made
me sad that there are so many nutrition professionals working behind a wafer
thin but seemingly impenetrable wall from those working on more chronic forms
of nutrition. (One example: I bet not
many of the latter camp know the definition of Global Acute Malnutrition—a key summary indicator for this community).
Somehow we need to get beyond the labels of
“emergency” and “development”.
First, poor development choices generate
emergencies, and poor emergency responses can set back or propel development. The boundaries are not substantive.
these labels do not describe what each community does. “Chronic” does not equal development
(stunting rates can be profoundly affected by shocks) and “acute” does not
equal emergency (e.g. India has very high levels of wasting).
Finally, stunting and wasting go hand in hand
at the national level and perhaps at the individual level (for the Global Nutrition Report we could not find estimates for 50 plus surveys answering the
question “what percent of stunted children are also wasted and vice
Perhaps we could just talk about "one nutrition". Perhaps ENN could call itself
the Enabling Nutrition Network!
Hi Lawrence got any suggestions about how to overcome the "gap" ? ... Tanya
Dear Lawrence, the SUN Movement has also shared an article on their website. See here http://scalingupnutrition.org/news/a-technical-meeting-on-nutrition-is-hosted-by-the-emergency-nutrition-network#.VETHvTKSzRE
Good challenge Tanya
Here is my list
1. Teach this material in a joined up way at university
2. Agencies to break down organisational barriers between the two sets of staff
3. Or if that is not possible, more exchange/cross-posts
4. Rethink the current UN division of labour
5. Special issues of high profile journals devoted to bridging the gap
6. Reports such as the Global Nutrition Report trying to bridge the gap
7. Research funding calls that incentivises more joint working
8. External funding that incentivises more collaboration
I think a lot of it starts with number 1.
Readers, what would be on your list?
It is also informative to look at where developing countries locate nutrition within their ministries. For example, Ethiopia shifted fairly recently (2008) from approaching nutrition as an acute, emergency issue to programming for chronic undernutrition. Historically, Ethiopia focused on its citizens’ nutrition status during emergencies (famine) as part of the Disaster Management ministerial portfolio. I wonder how long it takes to change mindsets?
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