30 November 2012

Why Poverty? Why Malnutrition? BBC Podcast

As part of the Why Poverty? series, I was asked to do a talk for BBC Radio on why malnutrition exists and what we can do to help overcome it.

Here is the link to the podcast and here is a link to a related article. I hope it is useful. Best, Lawrence


Jane Sherman said...
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Jane Sherman said...

Great stuff, Lawrence!

We are just developing our training course in nutrition education - the first unit is all about visibility and the last one is about advocacy. Your essay says it all, well, nearly all.

I hope we can use the broadcast in our materials, together with your portrait - ? Should spread the word a bit more once the course is taken up in African universities.

I guess we'll need to get the broadcast as a podcast as its shelf-life is apparently only a year. Maybe will need copyright permission from the BBC or is your agreement enough?

Congratulations again!

Jane Sherman, FAO

NB Re measuring the commitment of governments, we have produced and piloted a fairly simple instrument for doing a survey on country capacity in nutrition education - could be a useful element in the battery?


Lawrence Haddad said...

Many thanks Jane, yes, please do use it in your courses...

It is a bit clunky at the beginning but I get warmed up after a couple of minutes...

BBC said there would be a podcast soon--try iPlayer..

Dolf te Lintelo is heading up the Commitment work and I think he has been in touch with FAO--he is at d.teLintelo@ids.ac.uk

Very glad the first unit is about visibility!

Natalie Aldern said...

Very concise introduction to why malnutrition matters. The pilot with mobile phone data sounds particularly interesting. Any more information on exactly what will be reported back monthly?

Lawrence Haddad said...

Hi Natalie, we are still working it out, but it could be MUAC, Diarrheam, Vomiting , Edema. It could also be a yes/no on whether or not a service was delivered and a quality score (1,2,3) on the quality of that service... best

Anonymous said...

I'm totally aware of Poverty and Malnutrition today that's why it is very important that we must learn on how to budget are daily needs and proper education as well we need to deliver message from people who are in this kind of situation I hope that we can do something on how to minimize this problem. after I graduate this march In addition to minimize poverty in this world I'll help for free to teach on how to handle or manage our daily needs in life I'll be your certified financial advisor

Siddhartha said...

As you know most of the communities (Bengali or Tamils) in this sub-continent are infected by 'Culture of Poverty(hopelessness)' syndrome, irrespective of class or economic strata, lives in pavement or apartment. Nobody is seriously ashamed of or regret the deep-rooted corruption, decaying general quality of life, worst Politico-Governance, bad work place, weak mother language, filth, continuous consumption of common social space (mental as well as physical, both). Do not ever look for other positive alternative gesture/values to perform a real way of parenthood - deliberately stop giving birth to any child him/herself till the entire society improves up to the mark, co-parenting children those are born out of extreme poverty, instead. We are becoming parents only by self-procreation - mindlessly, blindfold (supported by some lame excuses), depriving the children's fundamental rights(of a decent & caring society, fearless & dignified living). We are being driven by the very animal instinct, pushing persons for a nasty living, indulging the entire community to go perish. If the Bengali people ever opt for a freedom from vicious cycle of poverty, need to involve in Production of Space(Henri Lefebvre), form a positive sentiment to overcome the inherent ‘hopeless’ mindset, definite application of human dignity, decent & fair Politics would certainly come up. – Siddhartha B, 16/4, Girish Banerjee Lane, Howrah -711101, India.

Josh Fitzhugh said...

I've read some of your blog entries and I must say, you have great ideas. Some people can't appreciate the opportunity to complete education, and in the end, they blame poverty. Well, in the first place, poverty is one reason why a part of the population couldn't complete their education - yes, just one reason. They do have a point, but not every problem we face is not all because of poverty. We should look into the part where some people lack education because of some other reason than poverty.